According to the New York Times report on the Ground Zero Muslim community center,
…even as the mayor called for the mosque to be embraced, those opposed to the project pledged to aggressively fight it, using both litigation and public pressure. A prominent Republican and foreign policy analyst said he was working with business, civic and political leaders to organize a campaign to persuade architects, contractors and donors to steer clear of the project. He said they would also aggressively scrutinize any donors who supported it.
The Republican, Daniel Senor, a former high-ranking official with the coalition government in Iraq, said that anybody who works with the center “needs to know there is going to be a real stigma associated with this project.”
As Steve Benen reports, the National Review’s editorial board thinks the same thing. One of the editorial’s minor premises, mentioned casually, is that all proselytizing for Islam “ends in the imposition of sharia”—which strongly implies that NR would endorse banning Muslim preaching altogether. (Amazing, NR’s fear and hatred of Americans. It clearly thinks that if we’re exposed to Islam, we’ll plump for Saudi-House Rules in short order.)
Andrew Sprung, whence I get this, has the right idea: he’s donated to the community center, here. So have I. The Christianist Right, and their new friends the ADL, want to stigmatize everyone who believes in religious liberty? Let them find that they’ve isolated themselves, not us.
Via Andrew Sullivan.
Done for $5. (It’s a vote, not a contribution.)
Facts I didn’t know that I learned from the website:
Supporters including the American Jewish Committee and the Lower Manhattan JCC. And the local city councilman, borough president, mayor, and governor all back the project. Definitely an al-Qaeda front, I’d say. Them mooslims is sneaky.
If I donate, is it possible to ensure that National Review carry out its threatened boycott of me?
Oh but c’mon, people have a right to be offended by their own bigotry!
Maybe the Religious Righties have a point. We got one rightwing fundamentalist christianist president and the whole country just caved in and let him toss the constitution in the hopper with hardly a shrug.
I just donated. Thanks to the “religious” right for reminding me that American freedom has never come for free.