July 9th, 2010

Chicago Police Officer Thor Soderberg was widely respected for the work he did training new officers and for the work he was doing to help address Chicago’s serious youth violence problem. He was killed Wednesday in the line of duty. He had an indirect connection to partners at the University of Chicago Crime Lab. He is very much missed.

The Chicago Community Trust has established the Thor Soderberg Fund – Connecting Youth with Nature fund in his memory. Those so moved can donate online by clicking here.

One Response to “Officer Thor Soderberg, RIP”

  1. Northshore Process service
    1560 Sherman Ave., Ste. 301
    Evanston, IL 60201
    Tel: 847.373.8972
    Fax: 866.554.2485

    Thor Soderberg had a direct connection to staff at Northshore Process Service. We pray for you Thor and God bless you always. We pray for your family.