May 16th, 2010

Christianity is being eradicated from Iraq. That’s according to the Hudson Institute, which was a neo-con outfit before neo-conservatism even existed.

Stuff happens, I guess.

4 Responses to “Thanks to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld …”

  1. Tom Church says:

    Shouldn’t we be outraged at religious persecution, especially against a non-violent group?

  2. Mark Kleiman says:

    Damned right we should. Better than outrage would have been prevention.

  3. Ed Whitney says:

    We were rightly outraged at the genocide of the Khmer Rouge, but our bombing and invasion of Cambodia had something to do with the destabilization of their government and the subsequent events. We may have excused ourselves because we thought we had good intentions, but the pattern was similar.

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