March 15th, 2010

Carly Fiorina proves again that she’d bring the same problem-solving skills to the Senate that she displayed at H-P:

By portraying Barbara Boxer as a giant, floating head (and calling her “it”), Fiorina deftly expresses her love of substantive solutions and impatience with empty political talk. Leaving this aside, Carly shows herself to be down with the language of working people like her: “she leaned the company to profitability” (at 4:28), and “she shaked” (at 4:40).  Count on it—the Head of the Senate’s out-of-touch liberals would have used the elite Washington word: shook.

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One Response to “She leaned the company.”

  1. paul says:

    It’s really a sign of how thoroughly out of touch corporate executives can be that Fiorina is running for anything (and has supporters to boot). HP thought it was worth $40 million dollars of present value to not have her at the helm.