September 3rd, 2009

I hate to admit it, but the right wing has a point when it complains that our schools sometimes fail to teach patriotic values. Why, when I was in school, we were taught to respect the President of the United States.

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One Response to “Stopped-clock Dep’t”

  1. WB says:

    You should not be taught to respect the President of the United States, but you should become educated sufficiently to make the judgement of who is deserving of respect and who is not. Treat all people as you would like to be treated, but do not respect anyone because someone else tells you to.

    If you lived in Germany during Hitler’s day, would you respect him before your teacher told you to? Only if you are an idiot and play follow the follower.
    I prefer to think for myself, and not have someone tell me what or how to think.

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