September 26th, 2008

Per CBS:

500 uncommitted voters


39% Obama

24% McCAin

37% draw

Opinion of Obama improved: 46%

Opinion of McCain improved: 32%

Would make right decisions about economy:

Obama: 66%

McCain: 42%

Would make right decisions about Iraq:

Obama 48%

McCain 56%


Southern political report, 411 undecideds, 42/41 for Obama.

Mark Halperin, speaking for the substance-free, process-obsessed, meta-meta-meta part of the commentariat, gives Obama an A- and McCain a B-.

TNR says the Luntz and Greenberg focus groups went heavily for Obama.

TPM has a CNN poll of debate watchers showing a big win for Obama:

Debate winner 51/38

Handle economy best 58/37

Handle terrorism best 45/49

Handle financial crisis best 54/36

Handle Iraq best 52/47

More intelligent 55/30

Expressed views more clearly 53/36

More sincere and authentic: 46/38

Stronger leader: 49/43

More likeable 61/26

More in touch with your needs and problems: 62/32

60% thought McCain spent more time attacking his opponent, v. 23% Obama.

Able to handle the job:

Obama 69% Yes - 29% No

McCain 68% Yes -30% No

To repeat myself: my analysis of the campaign overall is that this is 1980 in reverse: the voters are sick of Republican rule, not impressed with McCain, really not impressed with Palin, and have been waiting to see whether Barack Obama looks enough like a President to take a flutter on. If that’s the right analysis, then tonight was a huge triumph: Obama at least held his own with McCain on what is supposed to be McCain’s turf.

Yes, I was hoping that McCain would really McGovernize himself. He still might, but he didn’t do so tonight. But he doesn’t have to in order for Obama to score a solid win on Election Day. The actual human voters saw on the stage tonight simply was not the unprepared, naive, vague, irresponsible, un-American crook and fake messiah the Republicans have been trying to describe to them.

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