November 8th, 2007

Just a question for all those conservative Republicans who are attempting to give retroactive immunity for FISA violations by telecoms:

Why was it that amnesty would mean the end of the Republic when it was impoverished immigrant laborers but it is now perfectly acceptable when it is large telecom corporations?

And no: the shoe isn’t on the other foot. There is a pretty straightforward (and to my mind persuasive) progressive argument saying that a non-criminal violation by immigrants trying to make a better life for themselves in America, and who have been essentially recruited by US businesses, should be forgiven. Telecoms, on the other hand, are sophisticated and wealthy entities who know very well how to protect themselves and could have insisted on AG opinions to do so.

Credit where credit is due department: the Bush Administration I suppose at least gets points for consistency on the issue. It’s for breaking the law in all cases. Not a surprise.

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