October 10th, 2006


Wilful Ignorance






and boy, have they been deadly to the Iraqis; perhaps this explains the delay in sprinkling those rose petals before the Humvees. The prewar death rate has quadrupled.

American deaths in this bungle (100 per dot; brave young people):


Iraqi deaths (100 per dot; children, bloody savage jihadis, mothers trying to buy food, brave patriots in their own terms, SOL passersby, etc.):






































































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3 Responses to “Our seven deadly sins”

  1. David says:

    alas. destroying hearts and minds

  2. dbomp says:

    Shouldn’t those be commas?

  3. Nell says:

    brave young people
    And not-so-young people. The extensive use/abuse of the reserves and Guard, and the reality that all zones are combat zones (i.e., there is no rear guard area inside Iraq) have pushed the average age of U.S. casualties higher than in the Viet Nam war, for instance.
    We also have extremely incomplete figures on deaths of U.S. contractors, both private military (mercs) and drivers/others. Since most of the private mil are former military, they are substantially older than U.S. troops (non-reserve or Guard).