Sullivan is already celebrating President Bush’s apparent forthcoming statement that the United States is “addicted to oil.”
How many times do people have to fall for this before they wise up? You don’t even have to read the news stories very carefully. The President will apparently say that the US is addicted to foreign oil. And then you know the same old “policy” response: drill everywhere, destroy environmental regulations, do something cosmetic like talk about hydrogen a little, and that’s it. Same old, same old.
Remember: this is an administration that tries to use problems, not solve them.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me over and over and over again-give me my White House press credential?
UPDATE: Sullivan has quickly come to his senses (with the assistance of a couple of swift kicks from his readers: kudos to him for regularly printing them). Bush (unsurprisingly) has not. In fact he did emphasize Middle Eastern oil. He also talked about a “post-petroleum” economy, but it’s all about how technology will save us. if Mike is right, then ethanol could be part of the equation, but the key is that this ethanol is made from the right substances and that carbon sequestration works effectively. Anyone think that this bunch can do it right? Didn’t think so.